Friday, June 7, 2013

The Rains of Castamere, Candy Crush Lyfe and THE MF'IN BLACKHAWKZ BRO

First off, how about them Blackhawks, huh?! HUH? What do you mean you don't watch hockey!? WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!? I'm pretty sure the Blackhawks won the most important game in the history of games and war and life yesterday or maybe that was a week ago or tonight or possibly next year but jeez if they don't win THIS game how will we ever go on with our lives.

Well, now that we've established just how important the Blackhawks are and how EPIC this is, and how everyone in Chicago will apparently turn into raisins and be baked into subpar cinnamon raisin bread if they  don't win let's move on to (obviously) less important subjects.

The Rains of Castamere. Yes. Unequivocally, yes.  I want to rewatch on repeat until my eyes fall out.  Finally, an episode that didn't leave me wishing they had added (or left out) ONE more thing.  Well, maybe the really cheesy scene between Rob and his soon to be dead prego wifey, I could have done without that.  But sapfest and all, this episode absolutely kicked ass.  Being a Hound lover, I was so happy with what they have done over the past few episodes, adding a little more humanity to his character, giving us more insight into who he is as a person with fears and a very troubling past.  The strange relationship between him and Arya is one of my favorite parts of A Storm of Swords, and I couldn't be happier they did such a great job with it in the show.  As for the grand finale--again, yes.  The tension that was built up when the music began to play was even better than I had imagined, it gives me goosebumps even thinking about it. And for the record, I don't mind that they offed Jeyne Westerling.  The effect for television was harrowing, and I honestly don't think it would have been as powerful had they not made this choice. I don't want to harp on this episode too long, since Ry did such a great job in his post, and because I'm sitting at Honda waiting for my oil change to be done and don't have much time, but bravo, producers. You rule.

Recently I discovered Candy Crush.  This was a mistake.  If you are considering playing--don't.  You will be consumed.  Red jellies exploding jellies wtf is up with all the jelly row of greens i need 4 greens to get a donut that will explode all the purps but where are the swedish fish.  Sugar crush, dawg. 

Well, it seems my car is ready.  Hope the Blackhawks win tonight, (or tomorrow or maybe next week) BECAUSE IT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT GAME IN THE HISTORY OF GAMES. Like more important than the outcome of those games where indians would stab eachother with spears while they played fake quidditch on the ground or whatever.

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