Friday, May 3, 2013

White Geek Gurl Problems:

Hey there all my fellow geek-zillas this is geek gurl Lez comin at ya "live" from the greater Midwest area!

As I was sitting here studying for my GRE my mind began to wonder to all of the other things I would rather be doing with my precious time. My first go to naturally was the Game of Thrones, however as the clever girl that I am upon signing up for the test I knelt down in Eddard Stark's ghostly presence and swore an oath to house Winterfell that I Geek Gurl Lez will banish all books from my possession until after the test. So as a non-oath-breaker (Ya Jon Snow I said NON-oath-breaker you horney bastard... (ha bastard that's funny)) Game of Thrones was out of the question. SO WHATS A GIRL TO DO? Clearly I was in a pickle! After a minute or two of complete and utter desolation it hit me right in the face! Us geek gurls have been slacking over here and it is about damn time one of geek cast live geek gurls hopped into the ring with the big dawgs and posted a geek-a-licious blog for all procrastinating geeks to enjoy. So enjoy....

As I said I was studying for the GRE today and there is just something I have to get out before I can find any clarity to give you the geek-a-licious post I have promised. Here it goes... While attempting to absorb as much of the extremely excessive vocabulary as I could I came across the word: Adulterate. Yes adulterate. Immediately we all think of the same things sex, drugs, and corruption BUT NO just wait. In context this is how the word was used:  "The chef made his ketchup last longer by adulterating it with water". What the fuck is that! Really that is how you are going to use the word "adulterate" in context! OK Kaplan you managed to use the phrase "last longer" you were half way there. Immediately my mind, and any normal 20 somethings mind, took a dive for the more reasonable contextual uses of this word, i.e sexually exploiting women, tainting a younger sibling by force feeding them alcohol for the first time, or really anything immoral or looked down upon in societies terms. How the hell could the Kaplan team manage to make my life any more miserable...oh that's right they couldn't. Now not only was I pissed off about spending my day studying and this pathetic use of the word, I also began to get bombarded by weird unexplainable visions pertaining to sexual exploitations involving ketchup and in some cases fully ripe tomatoes. Needless to say this is an abomination on Kaplans part, can't you at least throw in something a little more 50 shades and exciting to hold my attention and all my fellow GRE test takers attention then fucking watering ketchup down? I mean even some sort of more exciting liquid then water..... GAHHH BLASPHEMY I tell ya! Well at least I got that out I don't know if I feel any better but I think I can now peacefully move on with my post.

No, no I cant.

Until next time Geek-a-zoids.

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