Hello, Internet. Been a while. Sorry to keep you. Those of us at Geek Cast Live have been doing our best to secure you some fantastic content to listen to on a weekly basis, and well, your eyeballs have been left a little neglected.
Fear not, though! I'm here to rescue you and to tell you a story. Today is June 10. Perhaps that doesn't mean much to you, but to me and millions of geeks like me (okay, it may only be thousands or tens of thousands, but it's still higher than most of us can count, so shush) today is Nikola Tesla Day. If you need to know why Tesla needs to be celebrated, I'm going to direct you over to The Oatmeal, a fantastic website run by a fantastic human being who happens to also be one of my heroes.
In that particular comic I linked you to, The Oatmeal delineates clearly why it is that Nikola Tesla is the Greatest Geek Who Ever Lived. Yeah, I capitalized it. It's that true. Basically, Tesla was a man of unparalleled genius who's work went virtually unrecognized during his life. He was an inventor who created things of such power and beauty that we basically can't replicate much of it to this day.
Today, had he the power of immortality as well as unmatched genius, would have been his 158th birthday. And today, Tesla Motor Company Founder and CEO Elon Musk decided to celebrate that birthday by donating ONE MILLION DOLLARS to The Tesla Science Center.
Now, in case you're wondering, Tesla Motors is not actually connected to Tesla himself...at least not directly. However, the motor in their wildly-successful-completely-electric Model S was designed by Nikola Tesla, and they are using his name perfectly legally--and I think--as a perfect homage to a man who was so wonderful his own time was unable to recognize him.
In short, I want to use this post to recognize Nikola Tesla--the future embodied in the past, Matt Inman--the creator of the Oatmeal and an inspiration in his own right, and Elon Musk--a man who, but for his philanthropic enterprises, would be Tony Stark.
I also want to beg you, internet, to please throw a few ducats (if you have such medieval currency laying about) into this fund to support the restoration and rebuilding of the Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe. You've probably already supported the indiegogo that put the kettle on the stove, now, let's have some tea.
For more information on any of the topics covered here, please consult these links:
Joe's Someday Mobile
Nikola Tesla Comic
Another Thing The Oatmeal Did That I Really Like And You Should See
A News Article About Elon Musk, Money, and The Oatmeal
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